Sen. Kamala Harris Spoke for All of Us


Aimee Allison

Kamala Harris proved in the vice presidential debate what we've known all along: She is ready to lead at the highest level, as a truth-teller, an unwavering champion for social justice, and a woman of color who understands and represents issues that impact communities of color the most. Here are the key moments that proved to the base and the rest of the country why Sen. Harris was the only candidate on stage who is able to meet the moment we are in:

Fierce. Sen. Harris set the tone from the beginning of the debate by declaring the White House’s response to COVID-19 “the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country,” adding that Vice President Mike Pence and President Trump had “forfeited their right to re-election.” We expected her prosecutorial chops to come into play, and she did not disappoint. 

Focused. Despite Pence’s interruptions, despite his attempts at gaslighting, despite his blatant lies, Sen. Harris remained focused on speaking to the base and the American people about what she and Joe Biden would bring to the White House. On health care, on social justice, on education, on the economy and the environment, she remained unwavering and undeterred by Pence’s tactics. “I’m speaking,” she repeatedly told Pence numerous times as he interrupted her, with a look that only Mamala could give. Her mission was clear: Speak to voters at home about what a Biden-Harris White House will mean for their lives and the issues important to them.  And she did.

Compassionate. Despite Pence’s “nothing-to-see-here” stance on the administration’s disastrous handling of the pandemic, Sen. Harris made sure to acknowledge the families across the country and how COVID-19 is impacting them: more than 200,000 have lost their lives, nearly 30 million Americans on unemployment, more than 7 million Americans infected with COVID-19, 1 in 5 small businesses closing their doors. She spoke passionately about the need for leadership to contain the virus, rebuild the economy, and unite the country. 

Representative. On the tragic killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, Sen Harris spoke clearly about the injustices they suffered, as well as the need to fight for ideal justice. “We are never going to condone violence,” she said, “but we must always fight for the values we hold dear.” She listed off actions she and Biden would take to address police reform, including banning chokeholds and requiring a registry for officers who break the law, citing a need for leadership on the tragic issue of unarmed Black men in America. Preach, Kamala. Preach. 

Finally, someone who spoke to us and for us. 


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