let’s Talk Nevada
While the rest of the nation is focused on Iowa and New Hampshire, She the People knows that it’s Nevada - the first presidential primary state with an electorate that reflects the country - that is make or break for Democratic candidates. There is no path to the White House without Women of Color and the candidate who best inspires us will win. She the People has partnered with the nationally-respected team at ALG Research on a groundbreaking poll of Nevada Women of Color caucus voters.
Did you know?
1 in 4 Democratic Votors in Nevada is A woman of color.
So, we asked them who they would vote for:
Nevada Women of Color Caucus Voters: If the Democratic primary election were held today, who would you vote for?
The Takeaway
Women of Color are poised to exert a great deal of influence in the Nevada Democratic caucus over the next month.
Women of Color are disproportionately likely to be undecided and are waiting to hear more from the candidates before pledging their support. This makes Women of Color a vitally important group during the final month in Nevada. The presidential candidates who better align with the priorities of Women of Color will have a greater opportunity to grow their support in this critical state.
Read the Full Data Summary →
from our founder
The candidate who best inspires women of color will win Nevada.
For Biden, Sanders, Warren, and Steyer — this race is still a complete tossup. Buttigieg, however, has virtually no support from women of color, which suggests he will not win support in states like Nevada where women of color are a sizable part of the electorate, and therefore has no path to win the nomination.
— Aimee Allison, Founder and President, She the People
Read the Press release →
Next Steps
Join us in creating a politics of love, Justice, and Belonging.
This research was made possible with the generous support of Maria's List.