1. TELL YOUR STORY: Pull from your lived experiences and share your story.
As women of color, who tells our stories? Far too often, our stories are defined by others, leading to false narratives, biases, and stereotypes, ultimately perpetuating the invisibility of women of color in our society and government. It is also our status as “women” that shapes how we are viewed in society, the roles we are allowed to play, and our access to power.
In each of our lives, stories play a critical role in creating meaning and shaping our identities, attitudes, and behaviors. The women featured in our Step Into Your Power series shared stories about their lived experiences, their unique perspectives, and their values – shattering outdated and misogynistic stereotypes about who can lead and the role of women in politics.
No one should define our stories and collective narrative but ourselves. This is why finding your voice and telling your own story are so important.
To get started, consider asking yourself:
Who are you and what do you value?
What life experiences have shaped who you are?
What motivates and drives you?
What lessons have you learned along your journey?
Describe the kind of person you strive to be.
Once you have some of these questions answered, start threading your story together. Remember, you are powerful. You are a storyteller. Make yourself heard.